Our RHE (Relationships and Health Education) is part of the mission of Catholic schools to educate a whole person. It should be carried out as part of the holistic education which seeks to form, as well as inform, young people in preparation for adult life. (Catholic Education Service).

Since 2020/21 RHE has been statutory in all primary schools in England. At St Christopher’s we teach RHE discreetly using Ten:Ten Life to the Full Plus programme. Life to the Full has been approved by our Archdiocese. Furthermore, Ten Ten have entered into a partnership with the Catholic Education Service and the Department for Education to provide training for teachers in Catholic schools on the subject of the statutory curriculum. Therefore, we are confident that this programme is a very good fit for our school.

Through their programme, Ten Ten understand the foundational role that parents have in educating and nurturing their children on these matters. Within the programme, they have built in resources which will not only keep parents informed about what is being taught in school, but will also give them the opportunity to engage children in discussion, activity and prayer.

Ten Ten have provided an Online Parent Portal.

This is a simple-to-follow resource, for parents which:

  • Outlines the statutory changes that will take place.
  • Articulates a vision for Catholic Relationships and Health Education.
  • Explains how Life to the Full aims to help us fulfil the statutory curriculum with a Catholic ethos.
  • Provides some information about key decisions we need to make, in consultation with parents.
  • Answers some Frequently Asked Questions.
  • Will be a tool we can use throughout the year to keep parents informed and updated about the work we are doing in school.

Also see:


In addition to RHE lessons (which are taught discretely following the Bishops’ Directive), PSHE lessons are also taught across all year groups.

PSHE is a non-statutory subject but all schools are expected to make provision for it. PSHE stands for ‘Personal, Social, Health and Economic’ Education.

At St Christopher’s, all elements of PSHE (excluding the relationships element) are delivered through Twinkl – please see the long term plan for further details.
